Ep. 33 | Slowing Down for Leadership Clarity


From Rigorous Routine to Reflective Rest

My day began with a twist—I opted for a leisurely walk over my scheduled run, a decision driven by physical fatigue and ongoing back and foot issues. Historically, I’ve been pushing myself to adopt the identity of an athlete, but sometimes my body demands rest. On this particular morning, I chose to listen to my body and took a walk to the harbor instead…where a baby whale has taken residence. 

This was not merely a walk, but a shift from a high-energy, high-demand regimen to a mindfulness-focused exercise in observation and presence. The whale became the focal point of my contemplation, showing me that slowing down is not only okay but often essential.

A Serendipitous Encounter

As I observed the whale, affectionately named Whaley McWhale Face by my husband, I was struck by this creature's consistent and rhythmic movements. Much like us, whales have routines—they need to surface for air and follow food sources. These quiet observations revealed a wealth of insights hidden in this simple act of watching. It wasn't about controlling or intervening in the whale's life but rather about witnessing its natural cadence and behavior.

Leadership Lessons from the Harbor

This encounter with nature led me to draw parallels between the whale's behaviors and the dynamics of human relationships and organizations. Just as one must slow down to understand the whale's patterns, individuals and leaders must create space to observe and understand the rhythms and cadences of their teams or partners.

Understanding Natural Rhythms

One of the profound realizations I shared was recognizing the natural cadence every individual and organization follows. Whether it's a whale in a harbor or a team within a company, understanding the rhythm—the cycle of activities, rest, hurry, and delay—is crucial. In organizational contexts, understanding these cycles can prevent burnout and foster a more sustainable and harmonious work environment. For individuals, tuning into personal rhythms can lead to better decisions regarding rest and activity.

Observing Nuances

It’s important to observe "tells"—subtle indicators that reveal more about the state of a person or organization than overt actions might. This is like the gentle disturbance or flattening of water that signals the presence of a whale below the surface. In leadership, these tells can be the non-verbal cues in a meeting, the way a team member engages over dinner, or subtle shifts in conversation tone. Observing these tells can offer rich, underlying insights that would otherwise go unnoticed in the hustle of daily operations.

Slowing Down to Speed Up

My quiet morning with the whale highlights a critical message: slowing down can often lead to more profound and effective outcomes. This concept supports the idea that taking time for rest, reflection, and mindful observation can yield better decisions and more sustainable progress. In essence, it’s about intentionally creating moments of rest to ultimately enable more focused and effective action.

Applying These Insights

For listeners and readers, the takeaways from this episode are clear: Integrate pauses in your daily life, be they for personal reflection or professional regrouping. Allow yourself moments of stillness to truly observe the rhythms around you. Whether you're leading a team or embarking on personal development, these insights can help align your efforts with a more authentic and effective path forward.

The Wisdom of the Whale

In closing, my unexpected morning walk led to an equally unexpected but deeply meaningful reflection on life and leadership. By stepping away from my predetermined schedule, I encountered a whale, who inadvertently became a silent mentor. The whale's presence taught me—and us—the value of slowing down to observe, understand, and ultimately lead with greater wisdom and authenticity.

So next time you feel the rush of daily demands, remember the whale. Take a breath, slow down, and observe the world around you. You might be surprised at the profound wisdom hiding in plain sight.

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More About Live Stoked | Lead Stoked

Have you ever wondered if there is something more? Are you ready for something to change, but aren’t sure how to get started…or even what to change? Do you dream of living life on your own terms, full of purpose and the ability to choose what’s best for you? Are you ready to live stoked?

You’ve come to the right place! In this podcast, we will explore what it means to live stoked. To live a life on your terms, one where we’ve tossed away the pressures of roles, expectations, and identities that have been put on you and that you did not choose, is a bold choice. Frankly, it’s a series of small choices in micro-moments that lead to a bold life.

I am Sarah Bettman, coach, consultant, and speaker, but more importantly, I’m a person who found myself waking up in the wrong life and needed to find a way to me. 

I am on a mission to unravel the things we tell ourselves, the roles and/or identities we’ve taken on, and the expectations that drive our decision making, so that we can begin to live our most authentic and stoked lives. My guests and I will share our stories, solutions, and multitude of ideas…since one size definitely doesn’t not fit all. 

My hope is that you will find something meaningful for you, in the moment, that will move you forward on your path.


Ep. 32 | Health, Happiness, and Productivity with Dr. Christiane Schroeter