Ep. 32 | Health, Happiness, and Productivity with Dr. Christiane Schroeter


In this episode of Live Stoked Lead Stoked, I had the pleasure to sit down with Dr. Christiane Schroeter, a seasoned professional who has navigated both academia and the corporate world. We dive into themes of authenticity, work-life balance, and personal well-being. From shedding corporate attire to adopting petite practices, this episode is a treasure trove of wisdom for anyone striving to live a more grounded and genuine life through health, happiness, and productivity.

The Urgency to Perform

Like many, I initially equated busyness with effectiveness, often driven by a pressing urge to make money and prove my worth professionally. However, this relentless pace led to overworking and a realization that busyness does not necessarily translate to meaningful progress. The episode itself aims to help individuals shed self-imposed identities and roles, encouraging listeners to find their true selves beneath the hustle.

Transitioning to Authenticity

For Dr. Christiane Schroeter, the transition from academia to the corporate world came with significant challenges, particularly in navigating expectations around professional attire. Initially feeling the pressure to conform to suits and high heels, she soon found that these external appearances did not resonate with her authentic self. A touching story about wearing heels during pregnancy and the discomfort it caused underscores her eventual pivot to comfortable attire. This change allowed her to feel more grounded and confident.

I also acknowledge similar experiences, sharing how I shifted to sneakers and functional clothing increasing my confidence and sense of groundedness. The physical discomfort from heels served as a turning point, leading both of us to embrace comfort over conformity, feeling more empowered and authentic.

Petite Practices: Small Habits, Big Impact

One of the most valuable takeaways from Christiane's insights is the concept of "petite practices." These are small, consistent habits integrated into daily routines that maintain well-being. For Christiane, this includes morning stretching to avoid tension from immediately checking emails and ensuring physical activity, no matter how busy her schedule gets.

The Power of Community

Christiane emphasizes the importance of community in her work with female entrepreneurs through the Happy Nest Collective membership. This platform enables women to share ideas and grow together, underscoring the significance of collective support in personal and professional growth.

Additionally, Christiane's podcast "Happy Healthy Hustle" combines themes of health, happiness, and productivity. She is also preparing to publish a book that compiles 20 years of experience into actionable business success strategies, set to release on September 9th. This upcoming book promises to be a valuable resource for anyone looking to integrate health and happiness into their entrepreneurial journey.

Embracing Cultural Shifts: From Germany to the U.S.

Christiane's move from Germany to the U.S. marked a significant transformation in her life. While Germany is known for its traditional celebrations like Oktoberfest, Christiane found that the U.S. offered a more accessible and different lifestyle. This shift allowed her to align more closely with her true self, embracing a more outgoing and vibrant culture.

She initially struggled to find her best self in Germany and discovered that the U.S. culture, with its diverse food choices and exercise options, was a better fit for her lifestyle preferences and professional ambitions.

Nurturing Health Economics

Christiane's professional journey led her to health economics, where she focuses on making healthy choices accessible and tailored to individual economic constraints. Her approach combines marketing, innovation, and entrepreneurship with health economics, aiming to create an environment that nurtures health and happiness.

This practical application of health economics considers regional variations in food cost and availability, emphasizing the importance of taste and enjoyment in food choices. Christiane’s philosophy is built on the belief that personalized health advice, aligned with individual circumstances, is crucial for sustainable well-being.

This episode beautifully ties together themes of authenticity, community, and personal well-being. Through our shared experiences, Christiane and I inspire listeners to embrace their true selves, prioritize comfort, and adopt small habits for big impacts. Whether you're an entrepreneur, a professional, or on a personal growth journey, the insights from this episode offer a roadmap to living a life that's both stoked and grounded.

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More About Live Stoked | Lead Stoked

Have you ever wondered if there is something more? Are you ready for something to change, but aren’t sure how to get started…or even what to change? Do you dream of living life on your own terms, full of purpose and the ability to choose what’s best for you? Are you ready to live stoked?

You’ve come to the right place! In this podcast, we will explore what it means to live stoked. To live a life on your terms, one where we’ve tossed away the pressures of roles, expectations, and identities that have been put on you and that you did not choose, is a bold choice. Frankly, it’s a series of small choices in micro-moments that lead to a bold life.

I am Sarah Bettman, coach, consultant, and speaker, but more importantly, I’m a person who found myself waking up in the wrong life and needed to find a way to me. 

I am on a mission to unravel the things we tell ourselves, the roles and/or identities we’ve taken on, and the expectations that drive our decision making, so that we can begin to live our most authentic and stoked lives. My guests and I will share our stories, solutions, and multitude of ideas…since one size definitely doesn’t not fit all. 

My hope is that you will find something meaningful for you, in the moment, that will move you forward on your path.


Ep. 33 | Slowing Down for Leadership Clarity


Ep. 31 | Coaching, Community, and Fulfillment with Cynthia Loy Darst