Ep. 22 | Intentional Living: Little Things Add Up


Have you ever sat back and pondered the fleeting nature of life? It goes fast. This realization often strikes a deep chord, reminding us of the importance of living intentionally. In the latest episode of the Live Stoked, Lead Stoked podcast, I share personal anecdotes and valuable musings on the art of living a stoked and intentional life. From memories of a trip to Montana to the comforting ritual of "purr therapy," I delve into how the small moments and choices can significantly impact our well-being. 

The Preciousness of Time

I reflect on an impactful story I came across on social media. A man shared that his father-in-law’s final words, "it goes fast," lingered with him as a poignant reminder of life’s transience. This concept struck me deeply, especially in the context of my recent journey to Montana. Accompanied by a long-time friend and her mother, the trip became a space to reconnect and cherish the people who matter most in my life.

The journey sparked thoughts about the importance of taking time to be with loved ones, not just during crises but also during joyful, everyday moments. These experiences underline the urgency to be present and deeply value the time we have together, echoing my friend's sentiment: "I don't wanna hang out with people only when they’re dying."

Intentional Living: The Foundation of a Stoked Life

In exploring the richness of life, I want to venture beyond the typical high-adrenaline definition of "stoked." I redefine it as a state of being rooted in making choices aligned with greater personal values. Living stoked isn't merely about thrilling surf sessions or professional triumphs; it's about a more profound, conscious engagement with life.

Taking deliberate trips, creating memorable experiences, and connecting meaningfully with loved ones contribute to a stoked life. It is important to set time aside for these activities and make them priorities, as they enrich our lives far beyond their immediate moments.

The Little Things: Micro Influences, Macro Impact

One of the essential aspects of living an intentional life involves recognizing and appreciating the small, seemingly trivial moments. What illustrates this is my concept of “purr therapy.” My cat, who has overcome severe health issues, has a peculiar habit of mushing in my hair, providing a unique form of stress relief and connection. Despite its absurdity, this ritual adds profound meaning and joy to my days.

I extend this idea to other small yet impactful practices. Whether it’s taking the time to savor the morning coffee made by my husband, enjoying the sight of waves in the distance, or relishing in the simple act of petting my cats, these minor moments collectively enhance our emotional and mental well-being.

Recognizing Drains and Fills

Leading a stoked life also necessitates an awareness of what fills and drains our metaphorical tanks. This water tank analogy explains how to differentiate between actions and habits that energize us and those that deplete us. The key is personal discernment; what fills one's tank might not necessarily be effective for another.

For me, filling my tank involves moments of awe, intentional relaxation, and connecting with nature. Drains, on the other hand, are often the small stresses that accumulate, like untended laundry or environmental irritants. By recognizing these drains and methodically addressing or avoiding them, we maintain our energy levels and emotional health.

The Art of Adaptable Well-Being

What serves as a fill or a drain can change over time. As we continue to grow and evolve, so will our needs and responses. It’s this adaptability and self-awareness that form the crux of living an intentional and stoked life. Listening to our inner compass and adjusting our course accordingly helps to create a life brimming with joy, purpose, and fulfillment.

A Call to Intentional Living

As we wrap up these contemplations, I leave you with a compelling call to action: take time to appreciate the little things. Invest in meaningful relationships. Consciously curate a life that aligns with your core values. Life, indeed, goes fast. By embracing intentionality and savoring the micro moments, we can create a life that is not only stoked but deeply satisfying and enriched.

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More About Live Stoked | Lead Stoked

Have you ever wondered if there is something more? Are you ready for something to change, but aren’t sure how to get started…or even what to change? Do you dream of living life on your own terms, full of purpose and the ability to choose what’s best for you? Are you ready to live stoked?

You’ve come to the right place! In this podcast, we will explore what it means to live stoked. To live a life on your terms, one where we’ve tossed away the pressures of roles, expectations, and identities that have been put on you and that you did not choose, is a bold choice. Frankly, it’s a series of small choices in micro-moments that lead to a bold life.

I am Sarah Bettman, coach, consultant, and speaker, but more importantly, I’m a person who found myself waking up in the wrong life and needed to find a way to me. 

I am on a mission to unravel the things we tell ourselves, the roles and/or identities we’ve taken on, and the expectations that drive our decision making, so that we can begin to live our most authentic and stoked lives. My guests and I will share our stories, solutions, and multitude of ideas…since one size definitely doesn’t not fit all. 

My hope is that you will find something meaningful for you, in the moment, that will move you forward on your path.


Ep. 23 | Staying Stoked Through Tough Times


Ep. 21 | Crafting Handmade Teardrop Trailers with Matt Bettman and Matt Shivers