Ep. 25 | Cultivating Emotional Intelligence for Personal and Professional Success with Nicole Smith


In Episode 25 of "Live Stoked Lead Stoked," I was able to have an amazing conversation with my friend and emotional intelligence expert, Nicole Smith, to discuss the deep-seated impact of understanding, empathy, and emotional brilliance. The episode delivers valuable insights into how emotional intelligence influences our everyday lives and relationships, both at home and in the workplace.

The Journey to Emotional Brilliance

Nicole's path to emotional brilliance began in the corporate world, where she learned about human behavior and leadership. A significant turning point was when she called a VP at her company an inappropriate name during an emotionally charged moment. Although Nicole meant every word, she quickly realized that her delivery could have been different to yield better results. This incident led her to deeply examine her emotional responses and ultimately steered her toward studying emotional intelligence comprehensively.

The Value of Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace

Nicole believes that the lack of emotional intelligence in corporate environments results in various negative behaviors, such as disrespect, lack of trust, and low morale. In contrast, organizations that value and develop emotional intelligence witness more collaborative teams and higher employee satisfaction. "90% of top performers have high EQ, leading to $29,000 more in annual income and better team collaboration," says Nicole.

Breaking Down Emotional Intelligence

Nicole and I delve into frameworks of emotional intelligence, notably Daniel Goleman’s four-box model, comprising self-awareness, self-regulation, social awareness, and relationship management. Nicole adds that recent models also include motivation and empathy. These frameworks help individuals understand their emotional strengths and weaknesses, ultimately leading to healthier professional and personal relationships.

Emotional Brilliance at Home

Nicole shares her experience of applying emotional intelligence in her marriage. Having been through numerous parental divorces, she understands that maintaining a healthy relationship requires self-awareness, self-regulation, and empathy. "Without EQ, I don’t think I would still be married," she admits. Emotional intelligence has allowed her to develop a "healthy positive connection" with her spouse, emphasizing that healthy conflict is necessary for growth.

The Importance of Emotional Safety

The conversation also covers the importance of having emotional safe spaces, both at home and in the workplace. We both stress the significance of having trusted individuals, like a spouse or a work friend, with whom one can express emotions freely without fear of judgment. Nicole explains how societal expectations often suppress emotional expression but emphasizes the need to create safe environments for genuine emotional release.

Turning Dreams Into Reality

Nicole's journey to becoming an emotional intelligence coach also includes organizing the High Vibe Summit, aimed at inspiring others to turn their dreams into action. The summit exemplifies her commitment to taking small, actionable steps towards big goals. I attended the summit and can attest to its inspiring atmosphere and encourages listeners to adopt a mindset of action and accountability.

Living Authentically Through Emotional Intelligence

We conclude the episode reflecting on the overarching theme of living authentically. Emotional intelligence allows individuals to understand themselves and make informed choices in their relationships and careers. By embracing emotional brilliance, one can navigate life's complexities more effectively and maintain both personal peace and power.

By setting actionable goals and leveraging emotional intelligence, you, too, can live and lead stoked. For more insights on maximizing emotional intelligence, you can connect with Nicole through her website, newsletter, or social media platforms.  

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More About Live Stoked | Lead Stoked

Have you ever wondered if there is something more? Are you ready for something to change, but aren’t sure how to get started…or even what to change? Do you dream of living life on your own terms, full of purpose and the ability to choose what’s best for you? Are you ready to live stoked?

You’ve come to the right place! In this podcast, we will explore what it means to live stoked. To live a life on your terms, one where we’ve tossed away the pressures of roles, expectations, and identities that have been put on you and that you did not choose, is a bold choice. Frankly, it’s a series of small choices in micro-moments that lead to a bold life.

I am Sarah Bettman, coach, consultant, and speaker, but more importantly, I’m a person who found myself waking up in the wrong life and needed to find a way to me. 

I am on a mission to unravel the things we tell ourselves, the roles and/or identities we’ve taken on, and the expectations that drive our decision making, so that we can begin to live our most authentic and stoked lives. My guests and I will share our stories, solutions, and multitude of ideas…since one size definitely doesn’t not fit all. 

My hope is that you will find something meaningful for you, in the moment, that will move you forward on your path.


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