Ep. 2 | Leading Stoked: Aligning Life and Work for Fulfillment and Success

I want to delve into the intricacies of living and leading a stoked life, particularly leading stoked. I share my personal journey of realizing the importance of both living and leading stoked, to highlight the essence of finding fulfillment and purpose in our work and leadership roles. There is an interdependence of personal fulfillment and effective leadership, which ultimately urges us to explore both aspects of the journey towards living and leading a stoked life.

Living Stoked: Aligning Work with Personal Fulfillment

My story starts by reflecting on a period of burnout when I found myself entrenched in a lifestyle that did not align with my true self. Our work and the identity we build around it can consume us, defining how we dress, behave, and socialize. This resonates with many individuals who find themselves caught up in a compelling job or identity, feeling the pressure to conform to certain expectations and norms. I share my own experience of struggling with feelings of inadequacy and shame despite being in a career where I saved lives daily. This resonates with individuals who experience a sense of dissonance, feeling trapped in a role that does not fulfill them and seeking a way to break free from societal expectations.

When transitioning from a career as a paramedic to becoming a leadership and organizational consultant, through introspection, I discovered my innate abilities to create safe spaces for people in chaotic situations and to guide others through personal and professional challenges. This realization allowed me to translate my experiences from the ambulance to my current role, demonstrating how it's possible to find fulfillment by leveraging one's unique strengths and values. Living stoked is intertwined with finding a career that aligns with our true selves and allows us to contribute in meaningful ways.

Leading Stoked: Empowering Others Through Authentic Leadership

Transitioning to the realm of leadership, I present the concept of leading stoked, and the significance of personal fulfillment in effective leadership. The x model of engagement illustrates the intersection between organizational goals and individual aspirations in the workplace. By achieving alignment between these two axes, leaders can foster an environment where employees not only contribute to the organization’s success but also fulfill their personal goals.

During the episode, I shared a powerful anecdote about coaching an executive who had reached a pinnacle in her career but was grappling with feelings of frustration and dissatisfaction. Through this story, I highlight how leadership cannot be effective if the leader themselves is not living a stoked life. This echoes the importance of self-awareness and personal fulfillment as the foundation for empowering others through leadership.

Fostering a Stoked Culture: Aligning Organizational Values with Personal Fulfillment

The podcast also delves into the pivotal role of leaders in creating a culture where individuals' fulfillment is part of the conversation. It is a necessity for leaders to generate an environment where open discussions on personal goals, fulfillment, and organizational alignment can take place. This fosters a workplace where individuals can openly assess their alignment with the organization’s values and direction. By encouraging these conversations, leaders can ensure that both the organization and its employees are moving forward in sync, contributing to a thriving and stoked workplace culture.

In the journey of finding fulfillment and effective leadership, the Live Stoked, Lead Stoked podcast serves as a guiding light, advocating for a holistic approach that combines personal fulfillment with leadership empowerment. As we navigate our careers and leadership roles, we are reminded of the intertwined nature of living and leading stoked. 

By aligning our work with our authentic selves and empowering others through genuine leadership, we can cultivate an environment where personal fulfillment, organizational goals, and leadership effectiveness coexist harmoniously. Embracing a live and lead stoked lifestyle, we are poised to create a profound impact in our workplaces and communities.

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More About Live Stoked | Lead Stoked

Have you ever wondered if there is something more? Are you ready for something to change, but aren’t sure how to get started…or even what to change? Do you dream of living life on your own terms, full of purpose and the ability to choose what’s best for you? Are you ready to live stoked?

You’ve come to the right place! In this podcast, we will explore what it means to live stoked. To live a life on your terms, one where we’ve tossed away the pressures of roles, expectations, and identities that have been put on you and that you did not choose, is a bold choice. Frankly, it’s a series of small choices in micro-moments that lead to a bold life.

I am Sarah Bettman, coach, consultant, and speaker, but more importantly, I’m a person who found myself waking up in the wrong life and needed to find a way to me. 

I am on a mission to unravel the things we tell ourselves, the roles and/or identities we’ve taken on, and the expectations that drive our decision making, so that we can begin to live our most authentic and stoked lives. My guests and I will share our stories, solutions, and multitude of ideas…since one size definitely doesn’t not fit all. 

My hope is that you will find something meaningful for you, in the moment, that will move you forward on your path.


Ep. 3 | AMA - Answering Your Questions


Ep. 1 | Get Ready to Live Stoked and Lead Stoked: My Path to Living and Leading a Stoked Life